NJSP Shooting Team
The New Jersey State Police Shooting Team has a rich history dating back to the 1920s. In 2023, the team was resurrected by a group of motivated Troopers and the Troopers United Foundation. Currently, members compete in handgun, precision rifle, and sporting clay competitions across the northeast region.
The NJSP Shooting Team has two goals:
1) Support the Troopers United Foundation in their charitable mission. The Troopers United Foundation Inc. (T.U.F.) is a registered nonprofit 501(C)(3) charitable organization founded by New Jersey State Troopers. Their mission is to assist Troopers, Law Enforcement, First Responders, and their respective families, in the event of a tragedy or illness. To date, the Troopers United Foundation has donated over $600,000 since its founding in 2016.
2) Encourage and motivate Troopers and other law enforcement officers to be more competent and confident in